Argyle Estate, 4th Section

Block details

Number of dwellings Number of storeys
Selhurst House 40 10
Caterham House 40 10
Bookham House 40 10


Building contractor:
Taylor Woodrow-Anglian
G.F. Bailey


Committee approval date:
Significant alterations/demolition, etc.:
Since demolished

Local authority

Original commissioning authority:
London County Council
Original location authority:
Wandsworth Metropolitan Borough Council
Present day authority:
Wandsworth London Borough Council


Other location names:
Limpsfield Avenue

Site description

Building system:
View of 10-storey blocks on Argyle Estate
View of 10-storey blocks on Argyle Estate
Estate name(s): 
Argyle Estate

Recent comments

  • Bookham-Caterham-Selhurst Hses, Argyle st 4, Wimbledon Park Side

    Do you know if this photograph is copyrighted and if so by whom? I am writing a history of my Council Ward (West Hill in Wandsworth) where the houses used to stand and would like to use the picture.

  • Bookham-Caterham-Selhurst Hses, Argyle st 4, Wimbledon Park Side

    Hi Malcolm - the copyright on the photos on the site belongs to Professor Miles Glendinning. They are licensed for non-commerical use under a creative commons licence.