Block details
Number of dwellings | Number of storeys | ||
Unknown | 15 | ||
Unknown | 15 | ||
Unknown | 15 |
Building contractor:
Committee approval date:
Significant alterations/demolition, etc.:
Since demolished. Capelaw Court was demolished in April 2005 and the remaining two blocks in November 2006.
Other location names:
Oxgangs Crescent
References and links
Recent comments
Capelaw Court
Submitted by Andrew Shortel on Monday, October 30, 2017 - 13:16.An uncle of mine was the caretaker in Capelaw Court. He was always complaining at my aunt Margaret,their marriage only lasted 2 years & she walked out on him. He was having a serious "go" at Margaret,so she took off one of her shoes & threw it at uncle. He ducked & it went through one of the panes of glass. He lost his temper even more "that's council property,I'm going to have to fix that & explain how it got broken" grizzle grizzle grizzle. So Margaret took her other shoe off & threw it through the other window. That might have been when she walked out on him!
Interesting website, I have done a lot of searching already.