Mill Street

Block details

Number of dwellings Number of storeys
Unknown 13
Unknown 13
Unknown 13


Building contractor:


Committee approval date:

Local authority

Original commissioning authority:
Manchester County Borough Council
Original location authority:
Manchester County Borough Council
Present day authority:
Manchester City Council


M4 6FF, M4 6EH, M4 7JP
Other location names:
Chippenham Road

Recent comments

  • Mill Street blocks

    The three blocks and their locations are as follows:-

    Woodward Court - Located on Woodward Street and is an assisted-living block operated by the local authority
    Chippenham Court - Located on the northern side of Chippenham Road and in now a private block called Tribe East Quarter
    Saltford Court - Located on the southern side of Chippenham Road and is now a private block called Tribe New Islington