St Mary's Comprehensive Development Area

Block details

Number of dwellings Number of storeys
75-177 Frances Street 80 14
287-393 Samuel Street 82 14
183-285 Frances Street 80 14
135-237 Samuel Street 57 15


Building contractor:
Norman & Dawbarn


Committee approval date:

Local authority

Original commissioning authority:
Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council
Original location authority:
Woolwich Metropolitan Borough Council
Present day authority:
Greenwich London Borough Council


SE18 5LE
Other location names:
Samuel Street and Frances Street

Site description

Contextual information:
Initially planned as part of larger development consisting of 4- and 2-storey blocks as well as shops and a doctor's surgery
View of all four blocks from Frances Street with 395-497 Frances Street in background
View of all four blocks from Frances Street with 395-497 Frances Street in background
View of St Mary's Comprehensive Development Area
View of St Mary's Comprehensive Development Area

Recent comments

  • Grenfell Tower

    Lived in a flat here from 1961 to 62, but my mum never got used to the height, wind, drafty, creepy landings and communal laundry, so moved back to a prefab. What do residents hre say after Grenfell Tower catastrophe?