White Hart Lane

Block details

Number of dwellings Number of storeys
Moselle House 60 10
Ermine House 60 10
Charles House 60 10


Building contractor:
M.J. Gleeson


Committee approval date:

Local authority

Original commissioning authority:
Tottenham Municipal Borough Council
Original location authority:
Tottenham Municipal Borough Council
Present day authority:
Haringey London Borough Council


N17 8DB, N17 8DD, N17 8DE
Other location names:
Love Lane; Whitehall Street; Moselle Street
View of Moselle House
View of Moselle House
View of all three blocks from Whitehall Street with Ermine House in foreground and Charles House in background
View of all three blocks from Whitehall Street with Ermine House in foreground and Charles House in background
Estate name(s): 
Whitehall Street Estate

Recent comments

  • Haringey Council's "High Road West" scheme

    Currently, the Council's plans call for the demolition of these three towers under their so-called High Road West Scheme.

    The 180 council homes have in recent times been upgraded due to the government's Decent Homes programme. The Labour-run authority would see the council homes lost, to be replaced with homes of a different tenure.

    It is not clear whether a little TLC was considered.

    CDC—2018, May